OC News & Alerts

The Orphans’ Court is open 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and closed holidays. We are accepting in person filings but encourage use of the U.S. mail and the locked drop box outside of our office.

Per an Administrative Order (please click here to see the order) all professional/corporate Court appointed guardians will see a fee increase for incapacitated persons who are recipients of Medicaid.

GTS Workshop Schedule (Spring 2025)

General Information & Resources

Guardianship Handbook

Apostille of Documents

Petition to Proceed In Forma Pauperis

Legal Disclaimer:

The Register of Wills and the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court, along with their staff, are not authorized to provide opinions, guidance, or instructions that could be interpreted as legal advice. Our office offers various forms necessary for estate administration, including the Inheritance Tax Return, as required. Providing these forms does not imply that no additional forms are needed or that the ones offered must be filled out in every case.

The Clerk of the Orphans’ Court serves as a liaison for the Court, accepting filings related to Orphans’ Court matters. The Court evaluates the accuracy of these filings in accordance with Federal, State, and Local regulations and statutes.

The information presented on this website has been prepared by the Register of Wills and the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. It is not intended to serve as legal advice or to provide opinions on the legal remedies that may be relevant or suitable for specific situations. We hope this information will be helpful in addressing common questions regarding the Register of Wills and the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court.

OC Services

1. EMERGENCY PETITIONS: We accept emergency petitions in-person with the appropriate filing fee and are committed to working with petitioners in terms of arranging for payment using our drop box or U.S. mail for emergent situations. Petitioners should contact the office by phone (610-891-4400) and follow the prompts so that the staff is made aware of a potential emergency.

Petitioners may also submit a copy of their emergency petition to us via email for filing. The petitioner must promptly mail us the original petition along with a check or money order to cover the filing fee.

2. OTHER SERVICES: All other services, requests, and filings will be accepted by and processed in the order they were received. We are accepting in-person filings at our office and by U.S. mail or by use of the Orphans’ Court drop-box. We are working diligently behind the scenes on our e-filing capabilities and will provide updates as those online options are available.

About Adoptions Audits/Accounts Fee Schedule Guardianships Local Rules Notices OC Forms UJS Portal

Contact Us

  •   201 West Front Street,
         Media, PA 19063
  •   8:30AM - 4:30PM
           Monday - Friday
  •   610-891-4000
  • webmaster@co.delaware.pa.us

About Delaware County

Delaware County, presently consisting of over 184 square miles divided into forty-nine municipalities is the oldest settled section of Pennsylvania.

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