In 2016, County Council convened the Delaware County Open Space Task Force to research opportunities to implement the County's Open Space, Recreation, and Greenway Plan, which was adopted in 2015. In 2018, the Task Force, comprised of leaders from local municipalities, nonprofit organizations, the business community, and several County staff members, presented a series of recommendations. Based on these recommendations, County Council authorized a $10 million bond allocation for open space in the County, which includes the Delco Green Ways grants to municipalities.
The objective of County’s grant program was to assist municipalities in achieving their local open space and recreation goals, while also furthering the objectives of Delaware County's goals for open space and recreation across the County. Eligible projects were to include fee simple acquisition of land or public trail easements on private land, improvements to existing public parks, regreening efforts, construction of new trails, and professional services such as comprehensive open space planning, feasibility studies, design/engineering and permitting.
Over the years, while the technical details of the Green Ways grant program evolved, the continued success of the County grant program is apparent. Since 2019, the County has committed approximately $16.8 million in conservation, trails, and recreation improvements across the County, leveraging that investment with more than $33.7 million in outside funding, including grants from other public, non-profit, and private funding sources. All four rounds were extremely competitive, with grant applications requesting twice as much money as could be funded.
Thank you to everyone who participated in Delaware County’s Green Ways grant program. We look forward to continuing to work together to ensure the successful completion of all these projects! We all benefit from a greener, more connected, modernized, and well-planned County-wide system.
The inaugural grant round of the Green Ways Grant program capped County contributions to a given project to a certain percentage of that project’s total cost and required municipalities provide a local cash match for any funded project.
Review Grant Round 1 program and application materials here:
• Green Ways Presentation given to Delaware County Planning Commission on July 18, 2019
• 2019 Program Guidelines & Application
Application Appendicies:
• Appendix A: Evaluation Criteria
• Appendix B: Budget Worksheet
• Appendix C: Municipal Resolution Template
• Appendix D: Certificate of Title Form
• Appendix E: Declaration of Public Trust, Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions
• Appendix F: 1099-S Verification Form
• Appendix G: Baseline Documentation Report Checklist for Conservation Easements
In October 2019, County Council awarded 26 municipalities over $4 million for 38 individual projects. County funds leveraged an additional $20 million in matching funds. This supported the following:
• 102 new acres of preserved green space,
• 7.3 miles of trail development,
• 18 parks and recreation improvements, and
• 8 professional services projects (planning, engineering, and/or design)
For more detail regarding each conserve, Connect, Enhance, and Planning & Design award, download the Delco Green Ways Grant Round 1 Awards document.
The public’s appetite for utilizing public spaces surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, to address the unique needs of County residents and local municipalities, County Council convened the Green Space Task Force (GSTF), directing them to provide guidance on the County’s vision and policy direction for green space.
Based on GSTF feedback and a desire to build upon the success of the first grant round, County Council decided to adjust the grant program’s guidelines to encourage multi-municipal coordination and cooperation, and to boost capacity building among the County’s 49 local municipalities.
The following revisions to the program guidelines were made:
• The requirement for local municipal match was eliminated.
• Non-profits were permitted to apply, with a municipal partner.
• A new, non-competitive Park Recreation and Open Space Mini-Plan ("Mini-PROS") grant program for smaller
municipalities was established
• An allowance was made for up to 15% of an Enhance grant to pay for certain “soft” costs
• Up to $250,000 of a Connect grant could go to engineering costs.
• Inclusion of the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) Indicators of Potential Disadvantage (IDP) as a
scoring category.
Review Grant Round 2 program and application materials here:
• Promotional Video
• Users’ Guide
• Application Form
In Round 2, the County received 74 grant applications from 46 of its 49 municipalities. Applications requested over $13 million in funding. In November 2021, Council awarded 38 municipalities and one non-profit a total of almost $7.2 million for 43 projects throughout Delaware County (due to issues with a few projects, the final grant award total was $6.4m).
The Round 2 Green Ways Grant awards breakdown is:
• 16 Mini-PROS Plan grants, for a total of $722,850.
• 9 Planning & Design grants, for a total of $848,315.
• 6 Conserve grants, for a total of $2,186,477.
• 6 Connect grants, for a total of $1,990,809.
• 6 Enhance grants, for a total of $1,424,070.
For details regarding Conserve, Connect, Enhance, Planning & Design, and Mini-PROS Plans awards, download the “Delco Green Ways Grant Round 2 Awards” document.
In the summer of 2022, County Council authorized a third round of the Green Ways Grant Program. Despite a quick turn-around time, the response to Round 3 was excellent with quality projects and application requests that well exceeded the money available.
Review Grant Round 3 program and application materials here:
• Users’ Guide
• Click here to see the Information Sessions’ power point presentation
• On-line Grant Application
In Round 3, the County received a total of 48 grant applications from 39 communities and 2 nonprofits, with requests double the available funding. In December 2022 Council voted to invest $4.99 million in 24 projects located in 23 municipalities.
The Round 3 Green Ways Grant awards breakdown is:
• 3 Mini-PROS Plan projects, totaling $150,00
• 3 Planning and Design projects, totaling $242,500.
• 3 Conserve projects, totaling $892,500.
• 5 Connect projects, totaling $1,849,000.
• 10 Enhance projects, totaling $1,857,918
Highlights of Round 3’s outstanding accomplishments include:
• The grant awards leveraged an additional $5.84 million of outside matching funds, serving as a catalyst for $10.83
million in “on the ground” improvements, and
• Just over half of Round 3’s grant funds were devoted to investments in historically disadvantaged communities.
For a more detailed breakdown regarding each Conserve, Connect, Enhance, Planning and Design and Mini-Pros Plan award please download the “Delco Green Ways Grant Round 3 Awards.”
The County received 47 grant applications from 39 communities and 2 nonprofit organizations, requesting grants totaling over $10 million. This year’s funding recommendations were focused on the County’s commitment to supporting municipalities with a history of disinvestment, and to ensuring the County’s financial investments were leveraged to the extent practical. In addition to these two priorities, the program continues its support of projects based on strategic planning at the local and County level.
Review Grant Round 4 program and application materials here:
In Round 4, the Council voted to invest just under $5 million for in 22 projects located in 20 municipalities.
The Round 4 Green Ways awards breakdown is:
• 13 Enhance Grant projects, totaling $2.83 million.
• 4 Connect Grant projects, totaling $1.08 million.
• 3 Conserve Grant projects, totaling $0.98 million.
• 2 Planning & Design projects, totaling $0.11 million
Highlights for Round 4 include:
• The County’s grant awards leverage an additional $5.08 million in outside investments, thereby serving as a
catalyst for “on the ground” improvements worth approximately $10.08 million, and
• Just over half of Round 4’s grant funds are devoted to 12 historically disadvantaged communities, advancing 14
different projects.
Please download the "Delco Green Ways Grant Round 4 Awards" document for details regarding the Conserve, Connect, Enhance, Planning and Design and Mini-Pros Plan awards.