Learn about the Delaware County Planning Department’s plan and ordinance review process.
The Planning Department (DCPD) strives to improve the quality of development throughout the County by conducting advisory reviews of all land developments, subdivisions, and ordinances proposed in Delaware County. Staff planners present their reviews to the Delaware County Planning Commission at its monthly meetings, where official recommendations are made. In addition, Development Review staff provide technical assistance to municipalities and developers on site planning and ordinance compliance issues.
The Planning Department offers Pre-CAD workshops at the municipality’s discretion. Pre-CAD workshops are free of charge and intended to be held prior to submissions or engineered drawings to learn more about opportunities for a land development proposal by bringing together the municipality, landowner or developer, and the planning department.
The Delaware County Planning Commission's application for mandated Act 247 Review must be completed and contain the original signatures of the developer/applicant and/or designated municipal official. Applicants have the option to submit online, mail-in (PDF), or in-person via application buttons below.
Online Application for mandated Act 247 Review
PDF Application for mandated Act 247 Review
The application can then be submitted to the Planning Department along with one set of plans and the appropriate fee payment in accordance with the Fee Schedule and Submission Procedures for Subdivision and Land Development Reviews.
Fee Schedule and Submission Procedures
Applications submitted will be reviewed by the Planning Commission in accordance with the Meeting/Act 247 Review Application Schedule.
Meeting/Act 247 Review Application Schedule
The Planning Department is the County agency responsible for processing form Component 4B – County Planning Agency Review of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Act 537 Sewage Facility Planning Modules. See DEP’s Act 537 review process and electronic forms. Developers and applicants submitting planning modules to the Planning Department for review should reference the documents below to ensure a timely review. Municipalities requesting review of a plan of study to revise a local Act 537 Plan should also refer to these documents.
Delaware County Act 537 Fee Schedule and Review Procedure
Delaware County Application for Act 537 Review
Knowing more about the Delaware County Planning Commission
Viewing what’s on the Planning Commission’s Meeting Agenda or the Prior Month Applications
Finding Parcel/Site Information
Viewing the Proposed Subdivision and Land Development Mapping Application* and Dashboard* to see plans reviewed by the Delaware County Planning Commission
Viewing the Countywide Zoning Application*
Viewing Delaware County's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO)
For questions about building permits, please contact your municipality’s code enforcement officials to obtain information concerning requirements and specific permit application status for your town.
* Browsers other than Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge are recommended for optimal performance.