Delaware County Child Lead Report, 2022
Delaware County Child Lead Report, 2021
Learn more about lead poisoning and lead exposure in Delaware County.
Use the interactive map to determine how many children are impacted by lead poisoning.
Childhood lead poisoning has decreased in recent years, but there are still many cases each year in Delaware County. In 2022, a total of 307 children had an elevated blood-lead level (EBLL) in Delaware County. An EBLL means one venous blood test result of 3.5 μg/dL or higher, or two capillary tests of 3.5 μg/dL or higher, within 12 weeks. Like in other areas in Pennsylvania, testing is limited, with an estimated fewer than 10% of children in Delaware County under age 15 having had their blood tested in 2022. This low testing rate means more children could have lead poisoning than we realize.
According to the CDC, those at increased risk of childhood lead poisoning include children from low-income households, children less than 6 years old, immigrant and refugee children, and children whose parents work in industries or have hobbies that expose them to lead.
Average Blood Lead Levels in Children Under 15 in Delaware County in 2022 (Showing Only Elevated Results Above 3.5 ug/dL)
This map shows blood-lead test results for children in Delaware County in 2022. It averages the results by census tract for children with levels above 3.5 μg/dL. Areas that have no children with high lead levels are shaded white, while darker colors show places with the highest levels. Eastern Delaware County has the most cases of high lead levels.
Blood Lead Testing in Children Under 15 in Delaware County in 2022
This map shows the total number of blood lead tests in children under 15 years of age across Delaware County in 2022.
Darker colors represent areas with more blood lead tests.
For more information and assistance, the Delaware County Health Department Wellness Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to responding to phone calls, the Wellness Line also responds to email inquiries.
Phone: (484) 276-2100 (Available 24/7)