Testing Locations

So here's the deal. We offer FREE, anonymous, & confidential testing at our two sites. DCHD also offers discreet Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) testing at our free public health Test-and-Go Kiosks. To find a kiosk near you, go to https://www.testandgo.com/kiosk-locator.

How Test-and-Go Works:

  1. Students pick up a free self-testing kit at the kiosk, complete the test in private, and return the sample securely.
  2. Results are delivered quickly and confidentially via the contact information the student provides.
  3. Services are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week at no cost to the Delaware County community.

If follow-up care is needed, DCHD’s dedicated STI team is ready to provide:

  • Confidential guidance on next steps.
  • Access to treatment and additional testing at one of free clinics:

Clinic Locations:


151 W. Fifth St.
Chester, PA 19013-4415
Phone: 484-276-2100
Fax: 484-577-3277


125 Chester Avenue
Yeadon, PA 19050
Phone: 484-276-2100
Fax: 484-577-3277

So what do we offer?

Testing for gonorrhea, chlamydia, Syphilis, & HIV.

All for FREE!, Have you tried to do these out of pocket? the prices are crazy and can run you about $600 for just these 4 tests. The tests are swabs (throat, vaginal, anal) and or urine (both for gonorrhea & chlamydia) & a blood test for both HIV & Syphilis.

What happens if I test positive?

Well you get called in for treatment whether you go to your own doctor or to us. We talk about where it came from so that way it doesn't happen to you again. Keep in mind; out of sight out of mind, no one will know what you said; its our way of keeping everyone safe in a very private way.

Does it matter if I go to you guys or my doctor?

No, lets keep it a bean 100%. You are free to go wherever you want to go for care; just keep in mind that your tests are reported by the labs to your local health department no matter what. Soooo... the real issue to you is the cost. It just so happens that we can test you for free.

Oh?! How do I tell them?!

Believe it or not, our biggest service, is partner notification. If you are going through something and you want your partner to know without having that difficult conversation; we can help with that... How does it go? A phone call."

"Hi, my name is such and such from such and such.. its been reported to us that you have been exposed to such and such." -> more information is given.

****This doesn't apply to HIV exposures

For more information and assistance, the Delaware County Health Department Wellness Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to responding to phone calls, the Wellness Line also responds to email inquiries.

Phone: (484) 276-2100 (Available 24/7)
Email: DelcoWellness@co.delaware.pa.us

Contact Us

  •   201 West Front Street,
         Media, PA 19063
  •   8:30AM - 4:30PM
           Monday - Friday
  •   610-891-4000
  • webmaster@co.delaware.pa.us

About Delaware County

Delaware County, presently consisting of over 184 square miles divided into forty-nine municipalities is the oldest settled section of Pennsylvania.

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