PrEP stands for “pre-exposure prophylaxis.” It is a medication for people who are HIV-1 negative that helps prevent getting HIV-1 through sex
PrEP, either as an injection or daily pill, helps prevent someone from getting HIV from an HIV-positive partner
When taking PrEP, it’s important to take it as prescribed for it to be effective at preventing HIV
It’s important to know that PrEP does not protect against other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and should always be used with condoms
When taken as prescribed, PrEP can help you stay protected against HIV if a condom breaks, isn’t used correctly, or isn’t used
Its for everyone sexually active and has been found to be effective in preventing the development of HIV infections if you are ever exposed to HIV.
This pill is meant to be taken daily or as prescribed and used along with "consistent" condom (barrier) use for your maximum safety.
Keep in mind; if a pill a day is not convenient, there is always the injectable. However some places will start you out on the pill form before the injectable is approved by insurance.
I think we said a bad word? Insurance??
Dont worry. PrEP is also available for free through certain programs, so for now; lets not wory about all of that; its still very possible to get PrEP'd.
For more information and assistance, the Delaware County Health Department Wellness Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to responding to phone calls, the Wellness Line also responds to email inquiries.
Phone: (484) 276-2100 (Available 24/7)