I am a juror. I accept the position not only as an honor, but as my solemn duty.
I will remember the men and women who died to give us, and retain for us, the right of trial by jury, and I will reflect upon the fate of those people whose government gives them no such right.
I will act with realization that the success of the jury system depends upon the willingness of men and women of integrity and intelligence to accept jury service, and upon the fidelity with which they discharge that responsibility.
I will be ruled by the law as given me by the Judge.
I will respect the Judge, his education, training and experience.
I will listen attentively to all the evidence, the arguments of counsel, and the Judge's instructions, and will thoughtfully and impartially weigh the issues.
During the trial I will not discuss the case with others nor permit others to discuss it with me; neither will I read about it in the newspapers, nor listen to broadcasts about it.
While hearing a case I will keep an open mind until the case is finally submitted to the jury.
I will observe legal procedures not as red tape, but as a device developed through thousands of years for the protection of the people.
I will consider all the evidence full and fairly, uninfluenced by friendship, sympathy, bias or prejudice.
I will work with my fellow jurors in a spirit of tolerance and understanding and will endeavor to bring the deliberations of the whole jury to a true and honest verdict.
(Adopted by the Pennsylvania Bar Association)