Within 10 days, you must respond in writing to the appropriate Magisterial District Judge. (See box #1 on the front of the citation for the Magisterial District Court number and box #2 for the Magisterial District Court address). To respond, you must plead NOT GUILTY or GUILTY.
If you plead GUILTY, you must sign the bottom portion of the citation indicating a guilty plea and pay the total amount due as indicated on the citation. If you cannot afford to pay the entire amount due, you must go in person to the appropriate Magisterial District Court and request a payment plan. If the total amount due is not indicated on the citation, then you must appear before the appropriate Magisterial District Judge to obtain your sentence.
If you plead NOT GUILTY, you must sign the bottom portion of the citation indicating a not guilty plea and pay the required collateral. Generally, the collateral equals the total amount due PLUS court costs. If you cannot afford the total collateral required, you must contact the appropriate Magisterial District Court. If the total amount due is not indicated on the citation, then $50 collateral should be forwarded to the appropriate Magisterial District Court.
After receiving your not guilty plea, and collateral, the Magisterial District Court will schedule a hearing and notify you by mail.
If you are found NOT GUILTY, the collateral you posted will be refunded to you. If you are found GUILTY, the collateral will be applied to the total amount due.
You must immediately respond to the Magisterial District Court and follow the steps in question #1. If you fail to respond within 15 days, the Magisterial District Court will notify PennDOT and your license will be suspended. In addition, a warrant will be issued for your arrest.
You must immediately respond to the Magisterial District Court and follow the steps in question #1. If you fail to respond, a constable will place you under arrest and you will be brought before the appropriate Magisterial District Judge.
Please refer to the PennDOT publication regarding points by clicking here.
PennDOT determines whether or not to suspend a driver's license. You must call Penn DOT at 1-800-932-4600 to inquire about possible suspension.
Refer to the Appeal section of this website.
A list of the Magisterial District Courts in Delaware County can be found on our website.