Delaware County Council Responds to Hospital Closure Announcement

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Released: March 6, 2025

Prospect Medical Holdings to close Crozer-Chester Medical Center and Taylor Hospital

Members of Delaware County Council today responded to an announcement by Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc. that it will close both Crozer-Chester Medical Center and Taylor Hospital in March 2025. The exact date of closure remains fluid as FTI Consulting, Inc.—the receiver appointed through bankruptcy proceedings—manages deteriorating financial conditions on behalf of the troubled healthcare provider. Officials from Prospect informed a bankruptcy court on Thursday that there is only enough money to keep the hospitals open through March 14th.

“It is infuriating to hear that Prospect has failed to keep their promises yet again to the residents of Delaware County, now that they’re done lining their own pockets at the expense of our communities,” said Delaware County Council Chair Dr. Monica Taylor. “Our county government has spent months hard at work to prepare for the possibility that these hospitals would be closed. We remain committed to an orderly, calm, and comprehensive process to helping ensure patients are transferred to other facilities that can provide the care they need.”

Delaware County government recently created a dedicated webpage, accessible at DelcoPA.Gov/Prospect, to keep residents up to date on the status of Prospect-owned hospitals, Prospect’s bankruptcy, and additional resources available to residents. Residents are also encouraged to use the Delaware County Health Department Wellness Line at (484)-276-2100.

“The closure of Taylor Hospital and Crozer-Chester Medical Center wasn’t inevitable, it is the direct result of greed and incompetence from Prospect’s corrupt ownership group,” said County Council Vice Chair Richard Womack. “As officials accountable to our neighbors and their needs, we worked hard to create an excellent Health Department that is building public health infrastructure to serve the community and supporting residents navigating these changes.”

Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc. is the owner of Crozer Health, which employs thousands of hard-working Delaware County residents in the medical field and related positions. Delaware County Council also urged impacted residents to reach out to the county’s PA CareerLink® ( offices for re-employment support.

“For thousands of our friends and neighbors, going to work for years meant going to a Crozer facility and putting their time and talent into healing people and getting them back on their feet,” said County Council Member Elaine Paul Schaefer. “We will do everything we can to help folks find their next role and get back to work building Delaware County’s future. Even with a bankrupt Prospect, we’re going to make sure our best days as a county are ahead of us.”

Delaware County residents can also consult the Delaware County Health Department’s guide on when to seek emergency care versus urgent care. For immediate medical emergencies, please continue to dial 9-1-1.

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About Delaware County

Delaware County, presently consisting of over 184 square miles divided into forty-nine municipalities is the oldest settled section of Pennsylvania.

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