Released: March 31, 2023
In observance of Passover, the next Delaware County Regular Public Meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 5, instead of the regular 6 p.m. start time.
This Regular Public Meeting will be preceded by the Preliminary Agenda Meeting on Tuesday, April 4, at 12 noon.
As a reminder, the Preliminary Agenda Meeting serves to familiarize County Council, other government representatives in attendance, and the public on matters before votes and other decisions that may be undertaken by Council during the Wednesday Regular Public Meeting.
Both meetings will be held in the County Council Public Meeting Room, located on the 1st floor of the Government Center, located at 201 W. Front St., Media, PA.
The meetings will be streamed live on the County’s website. Visit to watch the livestreamed meeting or to review the agenda.
Public comment will be accepted in person.