01/21/25 - Pennsylvania SCDU Payment System Restored
The Domestic Relations section is fully staffed and open to the public for hearings and cash support payments. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
If you have any questions about our process or your case, please call our Client Information Center at 610-891-4314 or send an email to delawarecaseworker@pacses.com.
Go to www.childsupport.state.pa.us for 24/7 assistance to:
File a complaint for child support, spousal support, alimony pendente lite or alimony
Make a support payment
Check for support payments
Manage your case information
Electronic support payments are also accepted at www.DCDRSpayments.com or by calling 1-877-793-7955.
The Domestic Relations Section is conducting telephonic establishment conferences and in-person paternity and contempt conferences, while the court is conducting in-person hearings for support modifications, appeals, contempt and paternity.
Welcome to the Domestic Relations Department of Delaware County that serves as the county’s child support enforcement agency under the supervision of the Court of Common Pleas.
We assist parents in obtaining the financial support necessary for children to grow and succeed in life.
To that end, the Domestic Relations Department prepares petitions for both child and spousal support; establishes paternity for children born out of wedlock; establishes and enforces support orders; and locates absent non-custodial parents.
Please note the Domestic Relations Department does not handle custody, protection from abuse or divorce.
Curran Building
County Courthouse Complex
Second and Orange Streets
Media, PA 19063
Client Information Center/Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
(610) 891-4314
Press 1 for IVR
Press 2 to speak to a Client Information Representative
Monday-Friday 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM Except Holidays
Client Information Center/Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
(610) 891-4314
(610) 891-1959 (fax)
Clients: DelawareCaseworker@pacses.com
Attorneys: DelawareCourtLiaison@pacses.com
Attorneys must complete a Request for Notification to receive case specific information
Mail Correspondence:
Domestic Relations
P.O. Box 543
Media, PA 19063
P.O. Box 69110
Harrisburg, PA 17106-9110